Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A Quiet Sunday in Paradise

Last week we celebrated the sixty-seventh anniversary of the unforgettable Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii, that claimed over 2,400 American lives and wounded an additional 1,200 or so. The following is a poem I wrote seven years ago for the sixtieth anniversary of the attack. As you can see, I'm not the next candidate for poet laureate but, having had a grandfather who served in the United States Navy on a destroyer escort from 1942 until 1946, I feel a special bond with the men who fought and/or died that solemn day in our nation's history. In fact, during the spring of 1991 (about seven months before the 50th anniversary of December 7th), my grandfather was given a flag that was flown at the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial as a token of appreciation for his service in World War II. I can't imagine any honor more satisfying to a veteran of Leyte Gulf (October 1944), the largest battle in naval history to this day. The least I can do is put this little composition out there as a symbol of my own love and admiration for the men of December 7th and those, like my own grandpa Schrock, who felt the need to enlist afterwards in a courageous, indeed successful attempt at justice and liberation. Here goes.

Wednesday, December 12, 2001

The air was mute, the water still,
The ships at rest across the bay;
From high upon the lofty hill
The sun emerged to birth the day.

The sailors slept below the decks,
Dreaming in the Oahu heat;
Unseasonable sweat wetting necks
In the Hawaii winter, warm and sweet.

Bluish skies and clouds that fled—
Met the gaze of those who waked;
Yet, most were still asleep in bed,
All of them with lives at stake.

The first bomb fell at five to eight,
A torpedo next, and burst of fire;
Even early it was far too late
To spare these men their pain so dire.

There it was, cold and clean,
That blood-red sun of death and war;
Against a field of living green,
An omen of hatred, nothing more.

Many a sailor that Hell-grazed morn
Stared, unb’lieving, at the dark’ning sky;
He pondered the horror of this storm
And wondered, “Am I thus to die?”

Torpedoes, now, sliced through the waves,
Messengers of steel-tongued doom;
A weaving, winding, watery maze
Of exploding fish, a sailor’s tomb.

Oklahoma capsized, West Virginia sunk,
Ford Island strafed, and Hickam Field;
Any man at Pearl, though drunk,
Saw the power Japan could wield.

And then, of course, at eight and ten,
The mighty Arizona reared;
Smoke and fire and steel and men
Belched into the atmosphere.

The time was burned onto their clocks
Forevermore, and longer;
The pain and shame and guilt—and shock…
And guts. It made Sam stronger.


Remember Pearl Harbor. A stronger, safer America means a stronger, safer world. Finis.


Blogger still thinking... said...

yay a new blog :) I love the poem and you should write more...meh my fingers want to write as I type this but I needa get some sleep.

10:54 PM  

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