Invasion is Not Immigration
Well, this is only my third posting, and it's already time for me to be controversial. Thank God. Political correctness is ripping our country apart, and is actually creating more racism and extreme views. I hate to sound Freudian, but how can we relate and govern properly without a little free association? Without refusing to suppress and repress our true concerns, feelings, and convictions? It just turns genuine worry into pent-up rage. Since when did it become un-American to take a stand on an issue, any issue? Liberals need to learn that opposing gay marriage is not equal to homophobia or "hatred." I mean, really...just as many conservatives need to realize "Democrat" does not imply "atheist" or "agnostic." One of my best friends is a Catholic Christian, pro-life Democrat, God bless her. She and I haven't strangled each other yet, not even over Iraq or gay marriage--yes, we can coexist.
I thought long and hard about which issue has been the most polluted by "PC"/B.S. At first I was leaning towards gay marriage--you know, the whole "Conservatives are homophobes" thing. I decided, however, after listening to Lou Dobbs and Glenn Beck many times and considering the situation thoroughly on my own, that "PC" has by far hijacked the immigration debate the worst. You know, the whole "Illegal immigration reformers are fascist, racist scoundrels" thing. That just doesn't sit well with me. Perhaps it has something to do with my own ancestors fleeing actual religious persecution, revolution, and famine, and still having the consideration to immigrate legally to America. The last I checked, Mexico and Central America were not collapsing in war, plague, and starvation. Third World countries, yes; carte blanche to sneak across our borders, no. Wait your turn--stand in line...just like the Chinese, Irish, Italians, Japanese, Jews, and other legal Mexican and Latino immigrants to the U.S.
By now, you're probably convinced I'm a racist. My response? Oh, well...I know I'm not. "Bigotry" and "racism" are the card played by virtually every minority group nowadays, except, seemingly, conservative Christians. Some of these minorities aren't even ethnic, but they still play the card, even when the deck of facts and decency is clearly stacked against them. I have nothing against Mexicans, Latinos, and Hispanics who immigrate legally to the United States. In fact, I have great respect for Latino culture: I love Mexican food, I listen to Joaquin Rodrigo and Carlos Santana quite often, and I've had more than one good Hispanic friend. And believe me, amigo, I've taken my fair share of Spanish classes. Nonetheless, the beauty and uniqueness of Latin culture form no excuse for the recent illegal influx of 12 million Mexican and other immigrants. They pay little in taxes, fill our ERs, take our benefits, and drag down our schools. At the very least, please learn English. If we Americans did these things to Canada, the U.N. and the world at large would scream, "Bloody murder!" Isn't it great being the world's lone superpower? If we'd like to stay in that bittersweet position, illegal immigration needs to emigrate elsewhere. It can feel free to take PC with it; the First Amendment has no room left for it here in Freedomland.
Quote of the Day: "Continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit." Hmm, who do you think spoke these words? Ronald Reagan? William F. Buckley? George Will? Hardly...Franklin Delano Roosevelt! These words come from the supposed father of modern liberal, neo-socialist thought. Even he understood that social security, welfare, and government spending should be as limited and temporary as possible. I have nothing against supplemental, "safety-net" health care and benefits...but for goodness' sake, let's give that safety-net to legal, documented Americans first.
I thought long and hard about which issue has been the most polluted by "PC"/B.S. At first I was leaning towards gay marriage--you know, the whole "Conservatives are homophobes" thing. I decided, however, after listening to Lou Dobbs and Glenn Beck many times and considering the situation thoroughly on my own, that "PC" has by far hijacked the immigration debate the worst. You know, the whole "Illegal immigration reformers are fascist, racist scoundrels" thing. That just doesn't sit well with me. Perhaps it has something to do with my own ancestors fleeing actual religious persecution, revolution, and famine, and still having the consideration to immigrate legally to America. The last I checked, Mexico and Central America were not collapsing in war, plague, and starvation. Third World countries, yes; carte blanche to sneak across our borders, no. Wait your turn--stand in line...just like the Chinese, Irish, Italians, Japanese, Jews, and other legal Mexican and Latino immigrants to the U.S.
By now, you're probably convinced I'm a racist. My response? Oh, well...I know I'm not. "Bigotry" and "racism" are the card played by virtually every minority group nowadays, except, seemingly, conservative Christians. Some of these minorities aren't even ethnic, but they still play the card, even when the deck of facts and decency is clearly stacked against them. I have nothing against Mexicans, Latinos, and Hispanics who immigrate legally to the United States. In fact, I have great respect for Latino culture: I love Mexican food, I listen to Joaquin Rodrigo and Carlos Santana quite often, and I've had more than one good Hispanic friend. And believe me, amigo, I've taken my fair share of Spanish classes. Nonetheless, the beauty and uniqueness of Latin culture form no excuse for the recent illegal influx of 12 million Mexican and other immigrants. They pay little in taxes, fill our ERs, take our benefits, and drag down our schools. At the very least, please learn English. If we Americans did these things to Canada, the U.N. and the world at large would scream, "Bloody murder!" Isn't it great being the world's lone superpower? If we'd like to stay in that bittersweet position, illegal immigration needs to emigrate elsewhere. It can feel free to take PC with it; the First Amendment has no room left for it here in Freedomland.
Quote of the Day: "Continued dependence upon relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber. To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit." Hmm, who do you think spoke these words? Ronald Reagan? William F. Buckley? George Will? Hardly...Franklin Delano Roosevelt! These words come from the supposed father of modern liberal, neo-socialist thought. Even he understood that social security, welfare, and government spending should be as limited and temporary as possible. I have nothing against supplemental, "safety-net" health care and benefits...but for goodness' sake, let's give that safety-net to legal, documented Americans first.